产品特性:铸钢 | 型号:进口双关双断阀旋塞阀 | 品牌:RETZ瑞茨 |
材质:铸钢 | 连接形式:法兰 | 加工定制:是 |
公称通径:15-300mm | 结构形式:双密封 | 压力环境:PN16-PN160 |
工作温度:低温 | 标准:美标 | 流动方向:双向 |
驱动方式:手动 | 零部件及配件:阀体 | 用途:截止 |
类型(通道位置):直通 | 适用介质:油品 | 规格:2-12 |
产品详情 Product details
The sealing performance and service life of the double shut-off valve plug valve (double sealed military valve) are superior to ordinary gate valves and ball valves. Equipped with functions such as fire prevention, online maintenance, double shut-off and relief, middle chamber pressure relief, and internal leak detection, this article explains the functions and applications of double shut-off and double shut-off valves in oil and gas storage and transportation systems through examples, opening up a new development space for process design of oil and gas storage and transportation systems
规范说明/Description of specifications
法兰连接尺寸按ANSI B16.5、JB79、HG20592、GB/T9113的规定
进口双关双断阀旋塞阀 双密封将军阀工作原理/Working Principle
双关双断阀旋塞阀(双密封将军阀)在阀门的开/闭过程中,阀体的密封表面与气门之间没有接触,因此密封表面既不摩擦也不磨损M,开/闭扭矩小,使用寿命长retz品牌 During the opening/closing process of the valve, the sealing surface of the valve body does not contact the valve, so the sealing surface does not rub or wear M, the opening/closing torque is small, and the service life is long
1.阀门开启/Open the valve
阀门开启时,先旋转手轮提升旋塞,将密封滑片从阀体两侧密封面拉回。当滑片完全收回脱离阀体密封面后,继续转动手轮,使旋塞及密封滑片旋转90°,阀门处于开启位置。To close the valve, first rotate the halndwheel to rotate the cock and the sealing vanes by 90°; then the cock will move downwards; the moving cock drives the sealing vanes to the sealingsurfaces of the valve cavity until the elastic gasket ring is uniformly pressed to the upper and lower ends of the valve bore to achieve sealing.
2.阀门关闭/Close the valve
To close the valve, first rotate the halndwheel to rotate the cock and the sealing vanes by 90°; then the cock will move downwards; the moving cock drives the sealing vanes to the sealingsurfaces of the valve cavity until the elastic gasket ring is uniformly pressed to the upper and lower ends of the valve bore to achieve sealing.
3.密封性能/Sealing performance
弹性密封圈是模式压成型在滑片的沟槽中,随着密封滑片向阀门的进出口移动,密封圈子也逐渐被压入沟槽中,经过机械加工的滑片表面与阀体内腔形成二级金属对金属密封防止弹性密封圈子继续被压,并且具有防火功能The elastic gasket ring is molded and formeed in the groove of the vanes, and as the seaaling vanes move to the valve's inlet and outlet, the gasket ring is also gradually pressed into the groove. The machined vane surfaceforms a secondary metal-to-metal seal with the valve cavity which can prevent the elastic gasket ning from being further pressed and also have a fireproof function.
双密封方式/Double sealing mode
两个独立的密封滑片阀孔两端压紧(双关断),当阀门关闭时,泄放阀被打开,检验密封效果(泄放)The two separate sealing vanes are compressed on upper and lowerends of the valve bore(double block), and when the valve is closed, the bleed valve will be opened to check the sealing effect (bleed).
4.双关双断阀及泄放/Double block and bleed valve
这是一种通过两个切断阀和一个在其中间的泄入阀达到完全隔断两端管线目的的方法,关闭两主要阀门关开启泄放阀可提高被系统的安全性。如果***个阀门泄漏,漏离的介质可由开启的泄放阀导出This is a way to achieve complete containment of both ends of the pipeline with two block valves and one bieed valve inbetween. When the two main valves are closed,closing/opening the bleed valvecan improve the system’s safety. If the first valve leaks, the leaked medium can be led out by the opened bleed valve.
进口双关双断阀旋塞阀 双密封将军阀技术规范 Technical specifications
阀体Valve body:A216 WCB
旋塞Cock:A216 WCB
填料Packing:Flexible graphite