产品特性:陶瓷 | 品牌:RETZ瑞茨 | 型号:电动PVC陶瓷芯球阀 |
材质:塑料 | 连接形式:法兰 | 结构形式:浮动球球阀 |
3C阀门类别:工业 | 公称通径:25-300mm | 适用介质:各种高腐蚀化学介质 |
压力环境:常压 | 工作温度:常温 | 标准:美标 |
流动方向:双向 | 驱动方式:电动 | 零部件及配件:阀体 |
用途:调节 | 作用对象:水 | 规格:1/2~3 |
基本参数 Basic parameters
进口电动PVC陶瓷芯球阀功能介绍 Function introduction
电动PVC塑料陶瓷芯球阀是通过电机驱动阀杆带动阀芯动作的阀门,可分为关断和调节阀。关断即全开或关闭,可带反馈信号;调节可以通过时间、角度等方式稳定在某种状态 retz PVC plastic ceramic core ball valve is a valve that drives the valve core to move through the motor-driven valve stem, which can be divided into shutoff valve and regulating valve. Off means full open or close, with feedback signal; The adjustment can be stabilized in a certain state through time, angle, etc
启闭慢,速度可调,不易产生水锤 Slow opening and closing, adjustable speed, not easy to produce water hammer
直流道,通量大,流阻小 DC channel, high flux, low flow resistance
刮板作用,抗杂质,密封好 Scraper function, anti-impurity, good sealing
电机开关动作到位后即断电The power is cut off after the motor switch acts in place
(有限位开关)电耗小 Low power consumption (limit switch)
防水等级IP65 Waterproof grade IP65
塑料阀体:工作温度0-60℃,工作压力0-1MPa,EPDM和FFKM橡胶密封材质可选 Plastic valve body: working temperature 0-60 ℃, working pressure 0-1MPa, EPDM and FFKM rubber sealing materials optional
氧化铝陶瓷芯特点Alumina ceramic core features
耐久用,轻扭矩,硬密封,耐腐蚀 Durable, light torque, hard sealing, corrosion resistance
陶瓷球芯经1680℃超高温烧结而成 The ceramic ball core is sintered at 1680℃
采用刚玉陶瓷,ALO含量≥95% Adopt corundum ceramics, Al Ogcontent ≥95%
陶瓷球硬度HRA≥85° Ceramic ball hardness HRA≥85°
耐酸碱性∶常温下对各种无机酸、碱稳定 Acid and alkali resistance: stable to various inorganic acids and alkalis at room temperature
碳化硅阀芯特点Silicon carbide core features
质量轻、高硬度、耐磨损:碳化硅球芯经2200℃以上超高温烧结而成,硬度≥HRA90 Light weight, high hardness and wear resistance: silicon carbide ball core is sintered at super high temperature above 2200 ℃, hardness ≥ HRA90
耐高温:在1500℃的高温环境下也不会反应◎化学稳定性好,耐酸碱腐蚀性优良在HF酸或5mol/L HNO3中依然保持稳定 High temperature resistance: it will not react under the high temperature environment of 1500 ℃ ◎ Good chemical stability, good acid and alkali corrosion resistance, stable in HF acid or 5mol/L HNO3
具有优异的导热性,热膨胀性低:在急冷急热的环境下不易崩裂 It has excellent thermal conductivity and low thermal expansion: it is not easy to crack in a hot and cold environment
低摩擦系数:具有优良的干润滑性,启闭更轻松 Low friction coefficient: excellent dry lubrication, easier to open and close
进口电动PVC陶瓷芯球阀基本参数 Basic parameters
规格尺寸Specification and size:1/2~3"(内螺纹、法兰、胶粘)
塑料球阀阀体为PPH或"UPVC"材料,金属球阀阀体为316不锈钢材质,采用浮动球直通结构 The plastic ball valve body is made of PPH or "UPVC" material, the metal ball valve body is made of 316 stainless steel, and the floating ball straight-through structure is adopted
① 直流/交流减速电机(DC6-24V/AC220V)
② 316L阀杆(根据不同酸碱可选哈式合金钢B或C)
④ 陶瓷球芯(刚玉陶瓷氧化铝)
⑤ PPS耐腐蚀密封片
⑥ 瓷密封片
⑦ 开关指示灯